Keep Yourself Ready For A Jaw-droppin’ Journey

To the general people, jaw surgery can be seen as a cosmetic procedure done to satisfy themselves. The truth is that the majority of orthognathic patients look for treatment because of an inability to efficiently chew food, speak or smile. The physical as well as the psychological turmoil takes a heavy toll on the patients’ comfort zone.

Pre-Operation Phase

Orthognathic patients have to get braces 6-12 months prior to surgery. The purpose of it is to decompensate the teeth. As the time passes, our body adapts to it.

Keep Yourself Ready For A Jaw-droppin' Journey

Intra-Operation Phase

Dental surgery is a conforming act that takes into consideration the patient’s maxillofacial anatomy. A patient may have just one jaw re-positioned in order to achieve a good bite. However, in complicated cases that involve asymmetrical alienation, it is advised that both upper and lower jaws be repositioned. One of the vastly followed practice is LeFort I osteotomy. He conformity of this procedure in upper jaw re-positioning make it the primary option. For the lower jaw, there are two main procedures available – BSSO and IVRO. The distinction between these two procedures is the location of bone cuts and the problems they can cure.

The BSSO encroaches upon the inferior alveolar nerve, which is extremely important for sensory in the lower third of the face. Any trauma to it may result in temporary and permanent parasthesia. On the other hand, the IVRO completely avoids the inferior alveolar nerve as it is made further back on the lower jaw.

Mandibular Maxillary Fixation makes use of surgical hooks as an anchor to hold the teeth in their final occlusion. Small titanium screws and plates are used to realign the upper and the lower jaws. This rigid fixation provides stability during the healing process.

Post-Operation Phase

Immediately following surgery, patients experience facial swelling and throat discomfort. Depending on the extent of the surgery, the degree of healing will be varied. Most patients begin drinking clear liquids before progressing to soft-textured food such as mashed potatoes and ice cream. Within next 4-5 months, braces will be removed. The orthognathic journey is a strenuous one. On average, it takes 1-1.5 years to attain the coveted Class I occlusion. It is imperative for patients to have mental strength along with supportive family and friends who understand the patient’s urge to have a bite of good food.

The majority of orthognathic patients do not regret their decision and rave about its life changing effects. Increases in the quality of life due to optimal bite functionality and closer facial symmetry are the two most noted differences. Gone are the days when their skeletal disharmony interfere with their livelihood. Patients find new found confidence while smiling, chewing and interacting with peers. The profound effects of dental surgery greatly improve all facets of patients’ lives and is an endeavor worth pursuing.

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