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4 Tips For Choosing The Right Prenatal Vitamins

If you are pregnant, then you must have heard about the importance of taking prenatal vitamins to ensure the delivery of a healthy child. And if you are planning to take such supplements, but are confused as to how to choose a prenatal vitamin that is good for you, then the below tips should help you with making the right decision.

4 Tips For Choosing The Right Prenatal Vitamins


The first thing to look out for is the dosage of the prenatal vitamins. Ideally, they must contain a minimum of 27 mg of iron and 600 mcg of folic acid. Without receiving correct amounts of iron, your baby’s proper development is at risk. In the same way, a deficiency of folic acid increases the chance that the child may be born with birth defects like spina bifida. And since such defects affect the baby’s nervous system and brain, they can have a devastating impact all through the child’s life. The next thing to watch out for in the dosage is the vitamin levels. You should stay away from supplements which have a very high amount of vitamins since they can turn out to be very toxic and result in defective births. Ideally, vitamins must be limited to 5000 IU in a dose. Plus, also ensure that there are sufficient quantities of calcium in the dosage as this will reduce your blood pressure during pregnancy, while also making the bones of the child stronger.


You should also decide on which brand of prenatal vitamins you should use. As a rule of thumb, stick with the big brands. This is because the supplement industry is not properly regulated by the FDA. As such, there are many fraudulent players in the market who might make false advertisements about their product. And in the worst case scenario, taking the prenatal vitamins of such small, obscure companies can actually put your child at risk. In contrast, big companies are often closely watched by consumers and therefore will ensure that the prenatal vitamins they provide to the customers are in the right dosage and of the highest quality.

4 Tips For Choosing The Right Prenatal Vitamins


Check whether the prenatal vitamin has DHA in it. DHA refers to the Omega 3 fatty acids, which have been proven to be crucial in ensuring proper brain development of the fetus. This is not a common ingredient in many offerings, and only some companies may provide it. As such, it becomes necessary to check the labels to ensure that DHA is a component of the prenatal vitamin.

Artificial Ingredients

As far as possible, avoid supplements that come with artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and so on. Such artificial ingredients may have negative effects during pregnancy.  As such, it is recommended that you mostly stick to natural supplements.

And if you need more information about prenatal vitamins, be sure to check out this complete guide to prenatal vitamin ingredients. It contains all the necessary things you must know about prenatal vitamins as an expectant mother. Plus, remember to get your doctor’s approval before taking a prenatal vitamin. This will go a long way in ensuring that you are taking a supplement that is ideal for you.

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