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Some Major Things To Know About Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder refers to pain or any kind of stiffness which does not allow the shoulder to move freely. It can happen to anyone of any age though it tends to occur after forty years of age. This may occur after some severe injury which restricts the movements. The tissues surrounding the joints stiffen which in turn makes the movement of shoulder painful and difficult.

Causes of shoulder Stiffness

There are various reasons which can lead to the issue of frozen or stiffness in shoulder. Any minor issues in the shoulder such as too much of strain can lead to the problem of stiffness shoulder if not taken care of properly at the right time. The connective tissue known as shoulder capsule surrounds the ball and socket joint in the shoulder. Synovial fluid that is present there allows the flexible movement of the joints. Stiff shoulder occurs when formation of scar tissue occurs in the shoulder. Due to this, the joint capsule in the shoulder tightens and thickens which in turn reduces the space for flexible movement. This makes the movement of the shoulder difficult and inflexible. It occurs more to women in comparison to men. It tends to occur during the following cases:

Some Major Things To Know About Frozen Shoulder

Symptoms of Stiff shoulder

A person affected from shoulder stiffness would suffer uneasiness in the shoulder joint which later leads to continuous pain. Frozen shoulder can be classified into three major stages based on the symptoms and severity. It usually gets recovered within a span of 2-3 years with proper treatment and care.

Treatment to the Cause

Frozen shoulder can easily be diagnosed with the help of the symptoms, sighs and some basic physical tests. An X-ray or MRI would reveal the specific details and exact results. The process of curing is slow but usually it gives positive results in maximum cases. The common treatment processes are explained below.

Sometimes when medicine, exercises and the general treatment does not give the desired result doctors suggest for surgeries. The two common types of surgeries are explained below.

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