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Suggestions For How To Prepare Yourself and Your Home For Summertime

This time of year, we’re all starting to keep track of the time that stands between you and those sweet summer days. Whether summer, for you, means taking a cross-country trip or simply hitting the beach to catch the sunset after work, we’ve got some suggestions that anyone can incorporate into their days to better prepare them for what summertime might bring.

Suggestions for How to Prepare Yourself and Your Home for Summertime

Take Advantage of Springtime’s Fresh Ingredients

Let’s start out by talking about one of the essentials: clean eating. Springtime is the best and easiest time of year to focus on clean eating and simply fueling your body with ingredients that uplift, instead of bring down, your health. The artichoke, asparagus and avocado are ready to hit your dinner table while cherries, apricots and strawberries can help you start your day or garnish a fresh and light dessert. The great part about spring is that it’s actually fun and inspiring to take care of yourself as the world blossoms around you, helping you to be motivated about health just in time for long summer days. Assure fresh ingredients in your home through hello fresh, giving your refrigerator the right components so that your body has the right nutrients every day.

Stock Up Ahead of Time When You Come Across a Good Deal

It may sound trivial but one way to prep for summer is by catching sales on summer supplies. Things like sunscreen, tanning lotion, beach towels and bikinis definitely add up economically. But by thinking ahead and scanning the discount section starting now, you can save yourself a pretty penny and put it towards fun summer outings. One fun and practical way to accomplish this is through the phone app called Cartwheel by Target. As if roaming Target’s aisles need to be more fun, now you can scroll through a list of secret discounts that aren’t displayed in person. When you come across an item that can serve your summer well, simply save the item on your Cartwheel account, place the physical item in your cart and when you get to the cash register, bring up your bar code on your phone and have your cashier scan it. Don’t worry, if you’re a bit tech-challenged, the cashiers can usually lend a helping hand. The secret discount will show up on your receipt.

Get a Gas Card and Reap the Benefits

A gas card is a good way to save up for the upcoming adventures that may present themselves. Whether we like it or not,most of us use gas every day so why not get something else out of it besides just the road time? When you purchase gas through a gas card with stations like Shell, Mobil and Gulf, you can accumulate points that you can get cash back on trips, when it comes to booking hotels, buying food and other expenses.

Thinking ahead can go a long way and can allow you to enjoy this upcoming summer in ways you have never before.

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