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How To Change Your Diet & Lifestyle To Get Rid Of Acne

Acne can flare up at any time of life, but bacteria and hormones, the normal culprits, aren’t always to blame. Sometimes lifestyle and diet are the true sources of acne. So what are the changes you need to make to get rid of acne?

How To Change Your Diet & Lifestyle To Get Rid Of Acne

Diet can affect acne

You are what you eat, or so they say. It’s cliché, but also incredibly true. Some foods can cause acne to flare up while others help reduce it.

Foods to eat to get rid of acne

If you want to know how to get rid of acne and clear up your skin, try eating anti-inflammatory foods and foods that contain antioxidants.

Anti-inflammatory foods

The red pustules so characteristic of acne aren’t caused by bacteria. When your body senses bacteria, the immune system fires up to fight it off. In the process, it creates inflammation. Reducing inflammation can go a long way to even out your skin and reduce the redness.

The Harvard Medical School recommends these foods to fight inflammation:

Antioxidant-rich foods

Antioxidants, on the other hand, protect your skin from free radical damage. This improves dull complexion and keeps skin healthy.

For foods full of antioxidants, the Mayo Clinic recommends the following:

Foods to avoid to treat acne

On the flip side, certain foods make acne worse. This includes many processed foods, which contribute to inflammation, and a few others that are more specific.

Foods that cause inflammation

Foods that cause inflammation usually aren’t healthy for you to begin with. They’re all those foods Glozine Lifestyle tries to warn you about because they’re processed and often added ingredients.

There are a lot of foods that fall into this category, but according to the Arthritis Foundation, these are some of the common ingredients that cause inflammation:

Other foods to avoid

The American Academy of Dermatology reports that there’s a growing body of evidence that other types of food contribute to acne:

Lifestyle changes can influence acne, too

Since acne occurs when your hair follicles plug up with dead skin cells and oil, there’s a lot you can do to help prevent acne in the first place.

Making these changes isn’t hard, but it’s a lot to think about. Try incorporating some of these lifestyle and diet changes slowly and over time. Even small changes can make a difference, and help improve your life in other ways as well.

Author Bio:

Sophie Addison is a popular blogger and skincare expert. She is very passionate about writing on skincare and beauty. She has posted articles on tips for fine lines and wrinkles, best eye creams, weight loss and fitness news. Apart from work she likes gardening and listening music. You can also contact her on Facebook, and Pinterest.

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