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Choosing A Neurologist

Neurology is the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of the brain and nervous system. The central nervous system involves the brain, the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system including all of the other sensory elements like eyes, ears, and skin. A physician who specializes in treating both of these areas is called a neurologist.

Choosing A Neurologist

if you’ve been told you need to see a neurologist this can sound like a scary thing. The good thing is the large selection of neurology specialists in Maricopa County. A little research and knowledge will help you to choose the best doctor for you.

What do Neurologists Do?

Neurologists treat such things as:

Neurologists have at least three years of specialized training before they are accredited.

What to Do When You Need to See a Neurologist

What to Do at Your First Visit

First thing- try to relax. Neurologist sounds really scary, but by thinking of them as being on your side, you can start to decrease your stress which is always better for your health as well as your ability to accurately hear and process what the doctor is saying.

What to Expect at Your First Visit

You will get the most out of your appointment if you are fully prepared when you’re visiting a neurologist. You will hope to hear:

Before a neurologist can answer these questions scans are often required . You may be required to have a procedure to provide a sample of spinal fluid. You may need to have an MRI and you may require blood work. The good news is usually none of these things happen on the first appointment. A first appointment is more of an opportunity for you and the doctor to get to know one another and for the doctor to go over your history.

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