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Core Exercises For The Pregnant Patient

There are plenty of Core exercises for the Pregnant patient that will allow any woman to maintain a great core strength, all while toning the muscles and preparing for labor in the best possible way. But one has to wonder, which are the best core exercises that you can perform right now, and how can you focus on getting the most out of them? Let’s find that out right now!

Core Exercises For The Pregnant Patient

Wall Pushups

These are maybe the easiest exercises that you can perform because you will focus on maintaining the pectoral muscles running as great as you possibly can, all while having the opportunity to focus on having a stellar core strength. It’s very easy to perform this exercise, and at the end of the day this will bring in front immense results, all while providing you with an amazing outcome. You need to remember the fact that you need to maintain the knees apart from each other in order to perform the exercise correctly, so keep that in mind as it will help you a lot. You will need to bend your elbows as well as lower your chest until you reach the wall with your chin. When it comes to the actual number of repetitions, 15 are more than enough if you can do them, otherwise do as many as you can.


Squats help maintain a good back strength and prepare yourself for labor,all you need here is a good fitness ball and a wall that you can use for these squats. Place the fitness ball behind your back and against the wall. Remember that the feet need to be apart, then slide down the wall until the knees reach a 90-degree orientation. It’s a great exercise that can help you a lot, so keep that in mind and perform it up to 10 times.

Leg Lifts

A good ideais to perform these if you want to strengthen the abdominal muscles and your back as well.Make sure that you sit with your palms and knees on the floor, then start to lift one knee after the other. It’s a very interesting exercise and one that will bring in front some very good results if you choose to do it often!

Step ups

This exercise will require you to get a small step stool, or you can stand in front of the stairs when performing it. The idea is simple, you need to step and down in order to maintain the firmness and power of your legs.It can be a very demanding and stressful exercise,one that can bring you immense results so keep that in mind and you will love it.

Side Planks

These are very hard to perform, mainly because you have to sit on the side, with only your knees and elbow touching the ground. While frustrating and hard to perform, this exercise can also be very helpful for your body, so you should focus on performing it the best way you can in order to achieve the best possible results.

Seated Dead Lift

This exercise is quite interesting because it requires you to use tubing handles in order to get as much feet resistance from your body as possible.It’s a very demanding exercise, true, and this is why you need to focus on performing it the best possible way you can, so don’t hesitate and give it a shot, you will enjoy it guaranteed.

You need to remember the fact that core exercises are designed in order to offer you the best results, and they are easy to perform. It’s always a very good idea to perform them often, so keep that in mind and you will surely appreciate them. It’s a great set of exercises for pregnant women one that can provide immense benefits in the long run!

For more information visit Physio Cambridge or call today on 01223 581 200 or find us at 2 Ely Road, Milton, Cambridge, CB24 6DD

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