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Uterine Fibroids – Symptoms and Diagnostics

Fibroids also called uterine fibroids, myomas, fibromas or leiomyomas, are benign or noncancerous tumors developed from the muscular layers of uterus or womb. Its singular is Uterine Fibroma. They are growths of fibrous tissue and smooth muscle. The size of fibroids can be from as small as a bean to as big as a melon.

Fibroids affect around 20 percent of all girls and women at sometime in their life, most likely between 30 and 50 years of age. Obese and overweight females are at higher risk of developing fibroids.

Uterine Fibroids – Symptoms and Diagnostics

There are 4 kinds of fibroids

Different Causes of Fibroids

Although still unanswered by experts, fibroids usually appear during reproductive years when progesterone and estrogen levels are relatively high, fibroids tend to enlarge due to swelling. As soon as estrogen levels gets low, fibroid tends to shrink back, like during menopause. Heredity is another factor for developing fibroids.

Symptoms of Fibroids

Mostly there are no symptoms, and because of this it is not easily traced. However when symptoms do appear, they are; may include:

Other symptoms include;

Ways to Diagnose Fibroids

Amanda Leto described the symptoms of fibroids in Fibroids Miracle Review, are rarely felt they are generally diagnosed by vaginal examination by following medical procedures

Ultrasound scan can find the occurrence of fibroids and can also help to rid other conditions with similar symptoms. Usually it is used when sufferer has heavy periods as well as when nothing conclusive found in blood tests.

A tiny scanner is place inside sufferer’s vagina to view uterus

A small telescope examines the inside view of womb or uterus.

A laparoscope is small flexible tube that views the uterus from outside to help examine its shape and size and shape.

A small physical sample of uterus lining is taken out for examination under a microscope.

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