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How To Lose Weight Without Exercise

The theory behind weight loss is that it happens only when body burns more calories than it consumes. This implies that, you will have to burn or not consume more calories by analysing the snacks and meals you have every day. People either dieting or doing workout for burning calories. Work out is the best solution for weight loss, but sometimes it is not feasible for many people because of their work schedule, health reasons or non-serious attitude. For such people, controlling diet is the only option left. Research has proved that dieting helps a lot towards weight loss because ultimately what we eat determines our weight. There is yet another option like Reshape – weight loss balloon which is an effective weight loss process.

How To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Here are some of the dieting tips which can help you in reducing weight:-

1. GM Diet-

GM diet stands for “General Motors” diet, a special diet plan which is known to reduce 3 to 4 kilos of weight in one week. This is a 7 day schedule. If followed seriously, it can show wonderful results. But it may cause weakness in people because you mostly have to rely on fruits and vegetables. But it is a great detoxifying diet.

2. Meal Plan-

As dieting is the only super weapon with you for weight loss, it is important to plan whatever you eat. Maintaining a food journal can help in keeping a track that what exactly you eat in your daily routine and how many calories you are consuming. It is good if you make a healthy diet plan in which you write the menu for whole week.

3.Stop Eating Pizza, Burger and Chinese Cuisine: –

We all are fond of pizzas, burgers, spring rolls, noodles and pastas. But having these meals for 3-4 times a week can cause a lot of weight gain and it will affect your metabolism in a bad way. This attractive junk food should be consumed only once a fortnight or once a month.

4.Avoid Sugar Rich Drinks-

You can never lose weight if you keep on consuming Pepsi, Dew, Real juice, Cold coffee, Frappe, Appy Fizz and Amul drinks. All these preservative drinks contain a lot of sugar. They increase a lot of weight. If you are on a diet, you must replace these drinks with fresh fruit juices, lemon water or coconut water.

5.Sleep Adequately-

Many people say that sleeping has nothing to do with weight loss. But this is wrong concept. People who sleep for less than 7 hours gain a lot of weight. Many people who are awake late at night also have a habit of late night snacking, which increases more weight.

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