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Free Pregnancy Clinics – Empowering Women To Take Charge Of Their Lives

There can hardly be any moment in human lives that can be happier than having a child. People get ecstatic at the birth of a child that is considered as a major turning point in life. The bonding between partners gets a boost as people discover new meaning and purpose in life and partnerships are elevated to new levels. The incident is perhaps the brightest spot in a woman’s life that is filled with enormous possibilities of bettering life. But sadly, this does not always happen and there are thousands of women who undergo unthinkable emotional distress when facing unplanned pregnancy.  The fallen women are bewildered by the suddenness of arrival of a new life that they are not prepared for and find it extremely difficult to take a decision about the way they can handle it

Free Pregnancy Clinics – Empowering Women To Take Charge Of Their Lives

The Effect

What happens when a woman discovers that she is pregnant but yet not ready for it?  Women are exposed to extreme emotional distress not being able to come to terms with the fact that they are pregnant and not really knowing what to do about it. There can be many reasons why women feel that they are not ready to bring in a new life into their lives. It can be related to health problems, financial problems or many other kinds of societal problems that can strain relationships and give rise to lots of confusing emotions that makes it almost impossible for them to take decisions.

What Women Expect

Women facing the challenges of unplanned pregnancy are made to feel that they are passing through the worst phase of their lives as they are unable to find any empathetic listener with whom they can share their thoughts and feelings by speaking out their minds. They feel like being left all alone overloaded by emotions with no plausible answers available to numerous questions that arise in their minds. The most difficult thing that they experience is that they are unable to take decisions in this regard. They desperately need some friendly soul in whom they can confide and who can hold hands and navigate them through the crisis by enabling them to take a decision.

The Lighthouse

Free pregnancy clinics Chicago are like lighthouses to women in distress that play the role of friend, philosopher and guide with the sole objective of facilitating women with unplanned pregnancies to take a decision on their own. Being able to decide about the fate of pregnancy will give conviction to women about whatever they decide and would save them from further distress in future. They can go on in life. The clinics provide medical and emotional support to affected women   to sort out emotional conflicts that lead to stress and show them the way forward.

These clinics are manned by qualified and trained clinicians and counsellors who work objectively and without being judgmental so that women find the right kind of emotional and medical support that they need to negotiate with themselves and take a decision.

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