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Going In For A Breast Revision Surgery? Do Some Homework

Going In For A Breast Revision Surgery? Do Some Homework

Breast revision surgery? Naah, this won’t happen to me. Since, majority of the women don’t expect to undergo the revision surgery, they don’t ask the facts at hand because they didn’t ask the related questions about the possibilities. Going in for a breast revision surgery is the last thing on your mind when you decide to go for breast augmentation.

Implants to increase the breast size in women are approved by the concerned authority. Usually, the procedure is done for women who fought cancer, experienced a trauma or had developmental defects. Studies show that majority of the women who undergo the process, are satisfied with the results. But there is a fair chance of undergoing the process for miscellaneous reasons. That is where the breast implant revision surgery steps in.

Going In For A Breast Revision Surgery? Do Some Homework

The need for breast implant revision occurs in case there are complications after the breast augmentation or if the result has been unsatisfactory. Keep reading to know everything about breast revision surgery before you undergo the procedure.

Choosing a Skilled Plastic Surgeon is Crucial

Why did you go for breast augmentation? For obvious reasons, you want to love your breasts. Selecting the surgeon is significant to the procedure if you want to achieve top notch results. When scrutinizing, make sure you go for an expert who is both board certified as well as quite experienced with procedure. Take out time and sit with your surgeon closely to work out the details of your surgery. Take your time in selecting the surgeon as it is one of the most important decisions you will make when going again for a breast revision surgery.

Make Use of the State of the Art Technology

Technology has progressed to the extent that you can see the results of your surgery before going under the knife. Vectra 3D Imaging is an advanced imaging system that helps you to see what your breasts would look like after the surgery. It makes it easier for you to select the right implant size as well as make adjustments to the way you want them, prior to the surgery. This way you will know from the beginning if you will love your breast augmentation or not.

Every Body Responds in a Different Manner to Implants

Revision surgery does not mean that your surgeon was not skilled enough the first time around or that he made a mistake. It may be just the way your body responded to the implants. It varies from body to body. Usually revisions are required when a condition called capsular contracture. Under the circumstances, the thin layered capsule that is surrounding the implant starts to thicken up. In such a condition the patient feels that her breasts are hardening. This can also make the breasts to look misshapen. Another reason for a revision procedure may be a breast implant rupture. Know more by visiting breast revision surgery Atlanta centers. 

The Need for a Revision Surgery

Women choose to go for a revision surgery for miscellaneous reasons. There are the ones who are not happy with the way their original breast augmentation turned out. The common reasons behind the revision surgery include correcting issues such as uneven implant placements, to increase or decrease the size or to overcome the sagging that occurred over time since their original surgery. Atlanta breast revision surgery experts quote similar reasons as well.

Considering a Different Option for a Different Result

When performing a revision surgery, the experts go for a different procedural option to avoid any issues in the future. For instance if saline implants are not working for someone, they can be replaced with the silicone gel.

The Recovery Process is More or Less the Same

The patients going in for a revision surgery want to know what to expect from the procedure this time around. Well, the recovery process is more or less the same. Since you have undergone the process at the time of your original surgery, you pretty much have the idea of how this one will go about. The time it takes for patients to get back to their normal routine varies with respect to the way their body reacts to the surgery.

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