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Facelift- The Magic Potion To Prevent Aging

Age, as some people say is just a number. However, no one wants to appear older than what they really are. If you are in your mid-forties and wrinkles have started appearing more prominent, then its time for you to consider undergoing a facelift. So what makes facelift a good option? This surgery is effective in reducing wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin in the face and neck. Once you undergo such a procedure, your neck and certain areas of your face will look more natural than what they used to earlier. The facelift procedure is used to check wrinkles that appear on the neck and face either due to aging or decrease in weight. Usually, Botox injections and Juvederm are used as part of the operating process.

Facelift- The Magic Potion To Prevent Aging

Every aged woman is concerned with her appearance. Smile lines and wrinkles in the lower face and neck become the major areas of concern for ladies as they age. After a specific age and motherhood, muscles in the face contract. As a result, fine lines are created by the flaccid skin. Through facelift, you can enhance different areas of your face in a single surgery. As a result, you can maintain the same type of look for ten years. Compared to other types of surgery, a facelift can reconstruct your jawline and neck in a much better manner.

This type of surgery is usually performed in hospitals. At the initial stage, you will be offered medications to feel at home during the operation. A mixture of local anesthesia and sedation is normally used during sedation surgery. An anesthesiologist will be present to offer sedatives and to help in the monitoring process. To enhance your safety during the surgery, different monitors will be used to check your heart, pulse, blood pressure and amount of oxygen that circulates in the blood.

The plastic surgeon will follow the surgical plan that he has discussed with you prior to surgery.Once the surgery starts, he might combine some techniques to come up with the best result. He will raise the skin from cheeks, neck and temples, lift and reposition the connective tissue lying below and do away with the excess skin and fat. If this process is performed along with a neck lift, he will draw the neck muscles together, and stitch them at the midline. This will form a strong combination of muscles to support your jaw and neck. Facial implants will be added to improve your cheek or chin volume.

After the surgery is complete, you will be taken to a recovery area where you will be monitored closely. The incisions will be covered with big bandages that will offer light pressure to reduce the swelling and irritation. The surgeon might place a small tube under the skin of your ear to drain excess blood. Before you leave for your residence after the surgery is over, you can take the help of a nurse to empty and reset the drains. Within days, you will be glowing with radiance.

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