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Get Back Your Radiance and Youth With A Face-lift Surgery

Are you on the wrong side of 40? If you are, then you are likely to face issues related to signs of aging. Deep creases below the lower eyelids, loss of skin tone on the lower face and sagging in the middle of the face are some of the most common aging problems that give people sleepless nights. If you feel that the above-mentioned issues are having an adverse impact on your personality and lifestyle, then it’s time you consider undergoing a facelift.

Loss of skin contours happens because of a variety of factors such as stress, heredity, etc. Facelift is one of the most effective types of plastic surgery which is used to give a more youthful appearance to the face. So how does this treatment take place? While performing a traditional facelift, surgeons make an incision in front of the ear, which extends into the hairline. This incision stretches downward in front of the ear, comes under it and then moves upward behind the ear before ending in the hairline.

Get Back Your Radiance and Youth With A Face-lift Surgery

If required, deeper tissues of the face might be tightened, and excess skin removed. As a part of the operation, incisions are then closed using staples and sutures. There are some cases in which a drain is placed under the skin behind the ear to drain the excess blood and fluids. Surgeons normally remove the drainage tube after a day or two after performing the operation, before applying bandages.

However, newer methods of surgery have also evolved. Cosmetic procedures include the use of lasers. Surgeons use lasers to perform a face-lift process known as laser neck and jaw liposculpture and resurfacing. This may be done with the help of a one-inch incision under the chin by applying a local anesthetic. On the other hand if you want to undergo brow lifts also to face-lifts, then endoscopic techniques need to be used.

The major plus point of this method is that it allows smaller incisions. As a result, tissues experience lesser trauma and can recover within a shorter period. In this process, facial structures are raised, and there is no need to cut away skin folds. However, the type of surgery applied also depends on the patient.

Liposuction is a method that is used for removing focal fat deposits in the face. It is normally applied in the area between the chin and neck. You can undergo liposuction with a face-lift or have it performed separately. He normal period required for this type of surgery is between two to five hours. You can have sedatives to feel more relaxed when the operation takes place. But there may be cases when a surgery is performed using general anesthesia. You may need to stay in the hospital overnight if you face such a situation.

A face-lift will add a touch of youthfulness to your face and bring back the glow that had been missing in your face for quite some time. However, before undergoing such an operation, it would be wise for you to share your medical history with a health expert. Therefore, to roll back the years and gain more confidence, go for a face-lift.

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