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How To Get A Job In Banking In 2015

Today it is tougher than ever to secure a position at a company, with so many people applying for the same roles. This is certainly true of the banking sector where competition for both top and entry level roles is rife. Below we have shared some information on the different ways you can apply for banking jobs, as well as tips on how to secure a role in banking in 2015.

Get on a Graduate Scheme

Each year, banking employers actively search for talented graduates to join their recruitment schemes. Getting on one of these schemes will be fantastic for your career, as it will give you a head start in securing a permanent job in the sector you want to work in.

Banking organisations accept candidates from a wide range of academic disciplines, though you are more likely to be successful in gaining a place on a banking graduate scheme if you have a 2.1 or first degree in a relevant subject.

Do an Internship

Many banking organisations offer internships and work placements to those interested in pursuing a career in the industry. These internships are often very competitive but if you manage to secure one it will be a great opportunity to get your foot in the doorway. During your internship you will be able to learn a lot about the banking sector, as well as make valuable contacts. Even if you don’t manage to secure a job at the banking organisation after your internship, it will stand you in good stead for getting a position at a different banking company.

Apply Online

Today the majority of banking positions are advertised online either on company’s own website, recruitment sites like Monster or recruitment agency websites. Sometimes you will simply be required to upload and send off your CV; however it is more likely that you are going to need to fill in an online application form. Some banking job roles will also requite you to complete numeracy tests to prove you have the basic skills to do the job.

How To Get A Job In Banking In 2015

Be Prepared

Whether you are applying for your first banking job, a banking internship or a banking graduate scheme, you need to be prepared to face tough competition. Banking is one of those industries that a lot of people are interested in, so you will need to find a way to show that you are the best candidate for the job.

When it comes to banking roles, it’s not merely enough to show off your numeracy and analytical skills. You also need to show ‘soft’ skills such as your ability to communicate well and work as part of a team. Banking job candidates must also be able to learn quickly and work under extreme pressure.

Of course, it’s not just your skills that will land you a banking job. You also need to express your genuine interest in finance. This needs to be obvious to employers from the moment they open your cover letter email or read through your online job application. Even if you haven’t quite got the qualifications they’re looking for, if you can show genuine interest, you will still stand a chance of making a good impression and possibly securing an interview.


Whatever your reason for wanting to work in banking in 2015, you need to make sure that you are well prepared for the tough recruitment process. With so many candidates applying for the same roles, you need to make sure that you stand out to employers for all the right reasons.

If you are looking for banking jobs, Dublin job seekers’ best bet is to contact a local recruitment agency to find out if there are any vacancies available in the area.

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