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Should You Be The General When Building Your Own House?

Often time people think they can save some money by acting as the general contractor when building their house. While you can do that it is not advised unless you have the experience necessary to make it happen. The amount of money you save will be nothing compared to the amount of time and headaches you will face.

The great thing about working with a contractor is that they know what they are doing. They know every step of the process. What comes first, what comes next and so on. They know how to manage the project from the beginning to the end. They know how to deal with permits and working with the city or county where you are building your home.

Should You Be The General When Building Your Own House?

They already have subcontractors lined up and ready to go. You on the other hand will need to do all of this on your own. You will need to get bids from excavators, foundation, painters, framers, painters, drywall, electricians, plumbers, cabinet makers, flooring, windows, roofers, gutters, concrete, landscapers and so on. That is a whole lot of contractors for you to get bids from and manage.

If you run into a problem on a job what you are going to do? Who are you going to call? How will it get taken care of? With the help of a home builder in Medford OR you won’t have to worry about that. The contractor will get it all taken care of.

You are not going to like this, but most sub-contractors don’t like working with owner builders. They refer to you as nose pickers because you don’t know what you are doing and walk around the job with your finger up your nose trying to figure out what to do. They respect the general contractor because they know the contractor knows what they are doing. On top of that they want to do a good job so that they keep getting work from the general contractor.

One of the best benefits of employing a general contractor is that you do not have to concern about anything involving to construction. All you ever have to do is tell them everything that you need, and they will organize everything that you need to complete the plan. You will not have to concern about anything as these contractors will be contracting all their subcontractors to do everything for you.

Do yourself a favor. Hire a home builder to build your home. The money you will save doing it yourself is not worth the pain and suffering you will experience.

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