Clear Your Search History And Keep Your Privacy!

Each of us has a few skeletons in our closet that we sorely want to forget. The last thing that you want when at a life changing moment is your web search history exposed. Your religious inclinations, sexual fetishes, political views, and such like affairs are not issues that you want to share with all and sundry, right? Fret not.

There is a way to circumvent all this. All you need to do is simply master the art of deleting your web search history. Sounds quiet simple and it is, the paragraph below explains how.

Clear Your Search History And Keep Your Privacy!

How to Delete Browser History Quickly

Firsft and foremost, you need to understand that all searches that are performed when you are logged into your Google account are essentially logged into a folder. To erase your footprints this is how you proceed: Go to history.

A request to sign into your account will be presented. The second step involves you clicking on to the ‘Remove Web History button’. When you click on to this option, your web history simply vanishes. The entire process takes under a minute to perform. This is how the situation stands up until March 1, this year.

Deleting Selected Pieces of Your Browsing History

If you want to be less dramatic then you can elect to go the way of deleting bits and pieces of your web history. This is the best option for those who do not want to raise suspicions (sic) as to reasons why they have deleted their entire web history. The process involves the following: Go your web history ( and sign into your account).

Your footprints in the world of the World Wide Web are presented to you, and you simply press the pause button on murky searches and no more details will be conducted on your account.

Upcoming Changes to Google Privacy Policy

The above two options are only possible up until the first day of March this year. Afterwards the search engine entity plans to have a unified privacy policy that will collect all personal details in their ever-increasing folders. The disadvantage of the presence of such a thick folder essentially means that you will need to go through a more rigorous process to delete your web history. This however is viewing the positive side of it. The negative could be that such an excursion could even be almost impossible in the security conscious world that we live in.

However things play out, one thing is certain: There are a few people who would want their search history shared with the world. The issues here touch on a raft of issues- the universal freedoms of access to information, the freedom of self expression, and a whole lot of legal jargon.

The search engine is walking a tightrope with regard to maintaining these freedoms and upholding its obligations as a corporate citizen. However things play out remember that your search for that dream job or even marrying into that blue blood family need not suffer on account of a colorful search history, nay. When in doubt, do the smart thing, press the delete button. It could make all the difference.

This guest post was brought to you by the Computer Too Slow, where you can find lots of free advice to speed up your computer.

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